Monday, January 24, 2011


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Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 21 - STUN

stun - vb
stun [st?n]
vb stuns, stunning, stunned (tr)
1. to render unconscious, as by a heavy blow or fall
2. to shock or overwhelm
3. to surprise or astound

I was stunned to see this old-fashioned butter churn.
So much so, I bought it on the spot! Whoopee!

365 Words through Photos

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 20 - PAINTED

Painted - adjective
1.Represented in paint.
2.Covered or decorated with paint.
3.Excessively made up with cosmetics.

1. Represented in paint.
2. Covered or decorated with paint.
I cheated, today, because I found perfect representations in my files for all three definitions. Forgive me!Painting faces will either share the inner soul of a person or hide it. You want to meet this lady and hear her stories; you're not sure if RM is a person who truly loves children or someone just doing a job -- or, horrors of horrors, another William Gacy! Makeup can become a crutch to protect unresolved conflicts, as well. Tammy Faye Bakker found that she couldn't live a life without the painted face she had created early in her career. 

3. Excessively made up with cosmetics.

365 Words through Photos

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Consistency - noun
1. a. Agreement or logical coherence among things or parts: a rambling argument that lacked any consistency.
    b. Correspondence among related aspects; compatibility: questioned the consistency of the administration's actions with its stated policy.
2. Reliability or uniformity of successive results or events: pitched with remarkable consistency throughout the season.
3. Degree of density, firmness, or viscosity: beat the mixture to the consistency of soft butter.

Bowling is a sport that requires consistency with each ball release
to increase reliability for the team and insure a successful season.

365 Words through Photos

Day 18 - NATURAL

Natural - noun
1: based on an inherent sense of right and wrong <natural justice>
2 a : being in accordance with or determined by nature
   b : having or constituting a classification based on features existing in nature
3 a (1) : begotten as distinguished from adopted; also : legitimate
      (2) : being a relation by actual consanguinity as distinguished from adoption <natural parents> 
                b : illegitimate <a natural child>
4: having an essential relation with someone or something : following from the nature of the one in question <his guilt is a natural deduction from the evidence>
5: implanted or being as if implanted by nature : seemingly inborn <a natural talent for art>
6: of or relating to nature as an object of study and research
7: having a specified character by nature <a natural athlete>

Watching the Hurricanes in flight over the ice shows everyone
that they are all natural athletes.

365 Words through Photos

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 17 - FIVE

Five noun.
The cardinal number equal to 4 + 1.
The fifth in a set or sequence.

Five beginnings to feed my family this summer.
 Five ways to discover fresh vegetables for your family.
Five inexpensive containers makes it easy for everyone!

365 Words through Photos

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 16 - FLUID

Fluid noun.
A continuous, amorphous substance whose molecules move freely past one another and that has the tendency to assume the shape of its container; a liquid or gas
Fresh well water, a fluid kept cool by its own metamorphosis into a solid, is not only refreshing, it's the most essential fluid we have on earth.

365 Words through Photos